Explainatory - All Fucked Up
It's never enough for the likes of you,
Why can't you understand.
It ain't easy to keep up with you.
It ain't easy to keep up with you no..
Can't you slow down? Stomp on the brakes.
Cross-section up ahead.
I don't got what it takes,
No, I don't got what it takes..
You're an egotistic minded fuck,
Yeah, you only think about yourself.
Guess what, newsflash!
You're not alone!
Go fuck yourself, I'm fed up.
Did you really think.
That I'd never get enough.
That I'd never get enough, no.
You've never been the smartest one alive,
But now it's my time.
To beat the hive,
Yeah, to beat the hive!
I'm an egotistic minded fuck,
Yeah, I only think about
Guess what, newsflash!
I'm not alone!
How does that feel, you feel like shit already?
I hope you do...
You little bitch, do know what you've done?
I hope you do now...
Behold the lyrics to our song All Fucked Up. You know why it's called this way? Because there's a lot of "fuck" in it and the lyrics are totally fucked up. Does it go about anything? Hell if I know. I can't think of anything that this song may be about. I'd like to hear some sort of an explaination though. If you can think one up, please be the one to comment and share your wisdom.