Sunday, July 29, 2007

Do you know Hyves?

I do. And someone (Danny's girl) started a special public hyves for our band. If you want to go there and join everyone who's a member already, you can visit our hyves here. Leave a message, listen to some songs, discuss stuff, watch pictures and movies and do whatever you please. Just keep it decent. Thanks a bunch!!

Monday, July 09, 2007

It seems a title for this post isn't allowed for some reason, but that won't keep us from informing you on how it all stands right now. There just isn't that much happening. Dennie went on vacation and just got back, we made some new songs and got some homework with him to make sure all is mixed by the end of the week, so hopefully (I pray to God!) everything will be ready by the end of this month.

In other news, Dennie just gratuated and is very happy!